PM Magazine
PM (Professional Marketing) Magazine sits at the heart of the Forum’s membership offering as an inclusive benefit. First published in 1993, it is a highly regarded printed resource for everyone involved in marketing the sector.
Stay up to date with the latest developments
A high-quality educational tool, PM Magazine allows busy people to stay up to date with developments in a timely and efficient manner. Produced bi-monthly, readers receive the latest news, views and inspiration on the issues and activities that really count – presented in an authoritative yet accessible style.
An irreplaceable source of knowledge
The depth of coverage makes PM Magazine a highly respected, invaluable reference as well as an irreplaceable source of contacts, practical hints and research data, such as the findings of the Forum’s definitive annual salary survey and marketing benchmark.
Access to a library of learning
And it’s much more than a magazine. All articles since 1993 are available through the new Skills Development Platform. Members in the UK & Ireland can request a personal hard copy of the magazine to an office or home address. In other countries, a single copy is mailed to the country contact at each firm for local circulation.

In addition to editing PM magazine, Matt Baldwin is the joint managing director of Coast Communications, a communications consultancy that works extensively across the professional services sector.
Editor’s picks
Business development coaching – Why consistency is more important than intensity
Business Development Lead, DeloitteHabits beat gestures when building a BD culture, says Martin Bragg, Business Development Lead at Deloitte. Relationships oil the wheels of professional services. Even today, in a world of reverse auctions and ever more competitive...
The power of print
In a noisy world, print is enjoying a renaissance. Kate Roberts at Shakespeare Martineau explains why. As content managers within the professional services sector, we’re tasked with the crucial responsibility of creating and disseminating information to our target...
Doing the right thing?
Over the last few years, professional services firms have come under increasing pressure not just to do good, but to demonstrate that they are doing good both to their clients and to the world at large. How have they been doing this, and in what way is this impacting...
Articles from latest issue
Marketing in your twenties – Navigating the chaos with confidence
Your twenties are often described as the most exhilarating yet daunting decade...
Changing firm and industry behaviours
FRP has created an EDI Think Tank. It is, says Clare Quinn-Waters, changing...
Client-centric marketing – How to make ABM work in professional services
Account-based marketing is a powerful marketing approach but can be difficult...
Star power?
Withers LLP’s eye-catching thought leadership campaign shows that you don’t...
Following the Leader
What is ‘thought leadership’ and what is it good for? James Lumley goes on a...
Partner and fee earner coaching: An in-house perspective
Creating a BD roadmap that gives fee-earners the confidence to step out of...
Ropes & Gray CONNECT – Building deep client relationships
Ropes & Gray CONNECT has delivered a near-unique business development...
Changing behaviours
BD training isn’t about taking technical experts and turning them into a...
BD or not to BD Is coaching the answer?
Actuaries don’t market the services of insurance companies and software...
PM Forum announces dynamic communities
Member confidence, core life skills and personal growth are boosted through...
Anna Lake – Game Changer
PM Forum South West Regional Director and client listening specialist Anna...
PM Forum news : PM Forum launches in Wales
Professional services marketers and practitioners from legal and accountancy...
Two new workshops for PM Forum members and non-members
South West digital marketing experts Optix Solutions have put together two new...
Latest news
On the move…
Helen Arran Helen Arran has joined Osborne Clarke as a Business Development...
PM Forum Dubai launch
The PM Forum has launched its new Dubai Committee. This dedicated team is set...
Introducing PM Forum Wales
The PM Forum has launched its latest regional committee in Wales. The newly...
PM Forum news – PM Forum launches in India
PM Forum is building its international portfolio with the addition of PM Forum...
What do readers think?
“I find PM Magazine an incredibly valuable and idea-generating read. Not only does it help confirm and back up what I do on a daily basis, it gives me food for thought and helps with the strategic and creative aspect of my job.”
“I enjoy PM Magazine and find value in each issue.”