How a change of grammar rescued the firm’s drinks party

“Now, here’s an idea,” announced my managing partner, theatrically. “A drinks party with no drinks.” It was the monthly meeting, and we’d been discussing how we might get the firm’s staff together to cheer them up at an austere time of the year. MP paused so that we...

Brand M&A

Professional services firms are now taking a more considered and creative approach to the integration of brands. It is, says Sholto Lindsay-Smith, important if value is to be driven from the deal. The merger of Allen & Overy and Shearman & Sterling will result...

One campaign, six regions…

The Fast Growth Secrets campaign delivers a multi-channel, multi-region ‘oven-ready’ thought leadership campaign. Robert Pinheiro shares its strategy and approach. We need an integrated, pan-regional campaign to showcase our unique sector expertise that can be...

Alex Parry: bring agency discipline in-house

An early career working with some of the largest brands on the planet has instilled disciplines that are now building a successful in-house career. Marketing executive Alex Parry, at global insurer Markel, speaks to Matt Baldwin. Many professional services marketers...