BD or not to BD Is coaching the answer?

Actuaries don’t market the services of insurance companies and software developers rarely put their coders in front of clients. Yet, even as professional services firms become better at harnessing the expertise of marketeers, the sector is increasingly training...

PM Forum announces dynamic communities

Member confidence, core life skills and personal growth are boosted through the seamless integration of superlative content, sophisticated groups and a comprehensive job board on the PM Forum’s popular Skills Development Platform. Welcome to a dynamic community that...

Anna Lake – Game Changer

PM Forum South West Regional Director and client listening specialist Anna Lake has won the prestigious ‘Game Changer’ award at the annual Devon and Plymouth Chamber of Commerce awards. This category recognised an individual who has turned an idea into a successful...

PM Forum news : PM Forum launches in Wales

Professional services marketers and practitioners from legal and accountancy firms across Wales and the South West joined the recently formed Wales committee at its first in-person event in Cardiff in May. Attendees heard from communications experts from integrated...