Challenge accepted : The rise of Hugh James

Hugh James is the largest law firm in Wales. It is well on track to becoming one the largest across England too. Joe Purcell, Director of Business Development and Marketing, talks to Neasa MacErlean about its recent rebrand, resilience and the colour red. Bright red...

On the move…

Helen Arran Helen Arran has joined Osborne Clarke as a Business Development Manager for the Energy & Utilities and Mobility and Infrastructure sectors. She was previously the Business Development Lead at Tees Law. Gabi Harmer, Lindsay Stark, James Schofield...

The power of print

In a noisy world, print is enjoying a renaissance. Kate Roberts at Shakespeare Martineau explains why. As content managers within the professional services sector, we’re tasked with the crucial responsibility of creating and disseminating information to our target...

Doing the right thing?

Over the last few years, professional services firms have come under increasing pressure not just to do good, but to demonstrate that they are doing good both to their clients and to the world at large. How have they been doing this, and in what way is this impacting...