RepDex – Benchmarking law firm reputation

Benchmarking one firm’s reputation against another is challenging. But no longer, with the Positive Law Firm Reputation Index, or RepDex, shining a light on the world’s largest law firms say Michael Evans and Tom Boulton. Here are some facts about the media profiles...

Nikola Verespejova – Global Brand Manager at HLB

From the UK’s busiest coffee shop to one of the world’s largest accountancy and advisory networks. Nikola Verespejova, the global Brand Manager at HLB, speaks to Matt Baldwin. Nikola Verespejova is a strong believer in serendipity. A Slovak national living in London...

The business development imperative

Too busy for business development? That, says Bernard Savage, misses the point. In the bustling realm of professional services, the notion of ‘being too busy for business development’ can be a tempting rationale. Amidst the flurry of client demands and operational...