How to be visible

It’s time to give it some attitude, argues Russell Wardrop, the CEO of KWC Global. We can’t predict the future and we would be fools to try, but here are seven old-fashioned traits you need now when the Leviathans quiz you over that budget approval, global campaign or...

Structuring the marketing and BD team of 2029

Marketing and business development is facing a rapidly changing landscape. So how do you structure a team in a time of flux? As marketing becomes increasingly specialised and innovative, marketers will need to keep abreast of changes across the industry as well as...

Managing a busy marketing function

Managing a busy marketing team or function is stressful and sometimes overwhelming, says Deborah Farone. Having a few simple tools at your fingertips can help Managing the marketing function in a professional service firm is tough. It’s particularly rough when you are...

Events are back and bigger than ever

The pandemic, for many people, seems like old news. Lockdowns are a distant memory, and meeting friends in the park or the pub is normal again. That odd period where all events, work or otherwise, were prohibited activities is now over. Even so, there has been one...

AI. What is it good for? Quite a lot actually…

ChatGTP has put Generative Artificial Intelligence in the spotlight, but for many of us, it looks like a solution in search of a problem. What should professional services marketers make of this exciting new technology, asks James Lumley. “When you look at AI...

DEI: ignoring disability

Diversity, equity, and inclusion policies all too often overlook disability. Marketing and business development teams are poorer for it, writes law firm marketer and disability advocate Heather Lacey. The global pandemic has irreversibly changed the way we work, with...