Generation Z (aged between 11 and 26, and colloquially known as “zoomers”) are those who do not know life without the internet.

With 62% of Gen Z indicating they have either started or intend to start their own business, and more than half of this age group being recruitment targets, professional services firms cannot afford to ignore their preferred communication channels. This can seem a daunting task. However, figuring out how to ‘get down with the kids’ and make your marketing and recruitment click with a younger crowd is easier than you think.

In this webinar taster, PM Forum’s South West committee was joined by Jo Edwards to explore how to effectively market to Gen Z, as she examined various marketing channels and new methods of engaging with the younger generation. Attendees were provided with an action plan and practical takeaways. As baby boomers retire, it’s important to think about how to attract Gen Z before starting to worry about the next Gen on the block. ALPHA….

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