Stop, listen, act

In a noisy world where demands on our time come from every direction, it has never been more important to listen to what clients tell us, and then act. There is much to celebrate in the professional services marketing community. Whether taking the first steps in a...

Have you got your priorities right?

Anna Lake looks at the need for client feedback. I thoroughly enjoy hearing the results of the annual Marketing Leaders’ Benchmark survey and this year was no exception. However, I was a little perplexed by a couple of the stats relating to the highest priority...

Do not hide behind technology

Reading Alexander Low’s article on pages 10 and 11 had me fooled. The opening paragraphs, spoiler alert, were not in fact written by Alexander. They were written by a piece of software, called JasperAI. Given a few simple prompts, the software has created a narrative...

Land of confusion

In January, 40 years ago, the legendary ‘80s philosopher Phil Collins sang ‘I can feel it coming in the air tonight, oh lord’. I’m pretty sure professional services marketing wasn’t on his mind, but you can never be certain… Now, as we start a new year, it...