Is the client always right?

What would you do if a client asks you to provide a service to satisfy a want – yet you know that isn’t what they actually need? When I was asked to write a comment piece on a topic of my own choice it was relatively easy to pick an issue to let off steam about, given...

Marketing leadership in uncertain times

I am writing this piece at the beginning of April. So much has changed since the start of March and who knows where we’ll be by the time you’re reading these words. I suspect we will still be in some form of lockdown but hopefully the feelings of panic will have...

Affecting change together

Neasa MacErlean finds out how marketing can learn to create more diverse and inclusive teams. The Big Four have around 3,000 partners in the UK and an estimated 11 or 12 of them are black. If these stats reflected the UK population breakdown in the last (2011) census,...

Thought leadership goes radical

With a clear strategic focus, fully engaged team and the confidence of the board, Bidwells beat some big names to become award winners. Matt Allen explains. There are not many mid-sized property businesses who go up against the marketing muscle of IBM, Mastercard,...

Turning uncertainty to advantage

Now a decade old, our annual Marketing Leaders’ Benchmark shows that marketers are not letting the continued disruption of the pandemic derail their plans for a successful 2022. Alastair Beddow reports. Predicting the future is inherently risky. Ten years ago – when...