Womble Bond Dickinson’s New Perspectives

A new brand campaign from international law firm Womble Bond Dickinson (WBD) cuts through the noise of the legal sector and reiterates the classic adage that people buy from people.   The New Perspective’s campaign marks the five-year anniversary of Bond...

Showing that you care

John de Forte takes a sideways look at the world of professional services marketing. This issue: everyone agrees empathy is an indispensable interpersonal skill. It should be a writing skill, too. Empathy is all the rage. To succeed in any high-profile position, it...

Reaching new heights in client listening

A new Client Experience Maturity Benchmark from Meridian West allows firms to compare their client listening programmes against their peers. Bertie Heppel shares some of Benchmark’s findings. In the ever-evolving landscape of professional services, client listening is...