Call the professionals

All marketing, business development and communications specialists working in professional services firms provide coaching and training. Whether it is something we do consciously or not, we will be there helping colleagues to better network, use LinkedIn more...

Election fever

Icarus faces the pitfalls of letting the staff have their say. 2024 is the year when half the world is going to the polls and election fever seems to have got into my Managing Partner’s blood. At least that’s the only reason I can think of for his sudden interest in...

Patience Takyuka – Keep asking questions

Studying journalism at university has been the perfect building block for a career in professional services marketing. The ability to question ‘why we are doing this’ builds better marketers, Patience Takyuka tells Matt Baldwin. Patience Takyuka is a Senior Business...

On the move…

Helen Arran Helen Arran has joined Osborne Clarke as a Business Development Manager for the Energy & Utilities and Mobility and Infrastructure sectors. She was previously the Business Development Lead at Tees Law. Gabi Harmer, Lindsay Stark, James Schofield...

On the move…

Ruth Asbury has joined Quadrant Chambers as its Head of Marketing. She was previously Head of Marketing at BDB Pitmans. Taylor Wessing has appointed Simon Seddon as a senior PR manager and Gregory Clark as a communication manager. Hattie Lunt Hattie Lunt has...