Asking for feedback invites vulnerability. We of course want to hear about how good we are, but nobody wants to be on the receiving end of criticism, even when it is constructive.
That is perhaps why so many professional services firms continue to overlook client listening programmes in any meaningful way, hiding behind anonymised surveys that languish in client inboxes.
That is a mistake. If a client is happy with the work of an individual or team it should be recognised and celebrated. More importantly, if a client is unhappy, a firm needs to understand why and address any problems before they lose them to another firm.
Yet client listening is more than just celebrating success and tackling risk, as we explore in our lead features in this issue of PM. It is a valuable business development tool and one where AI is helping firms deliver greater insights at scale.
So important is this issue that we have given over eight pages of the magazine to explore client listening in greater depth.
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