Never mind the MEAT – where’s the beef?

John de Forte takes a sideways look at the world of professional services marketing. This month: what do the new procurement rules mean for professional services firms bidding for public contracts? Though somewhat delayed, the new Procurement Act 2023 will come into...

Much to look forward to?

John de Forte takes a sideways look at the world of professional services marketing. This issue: what the new government’s agenda means for professional firms and their marketing teams. It has often been said that Labour governments tend to be good for the...

Could predictive text cause the next world war?

John de Forte takes a sideways look at the world of professional services marketing. This issue: the perils of predictive text. One product of AI has aroused little attention. Perhaps that is because it seems to have been with us for a long time and we don’t think of...

Showing that you care

John de Forte takes a sideways look at the world of professional services marketing. This issue: everyone agrees empathy is an indispensable interpersonal skill. It should be a writing skill, too. Empathy is all the rage. To succeed in any high-profile position, it...