Zoom online meeting – Wednesday 1 March 2023
Member-only (Guest passes available on request)

How do professional firms plan to respond to the marketing and business development challenges and opportunities in the coming year? The findings of the PM Forum’s 11th annual International Marketing Benchmark uniquely allow you to compare your plans with those of your peers from Ireland, the UK and the 30 other countries in which the Forum has members.

In addition to tracker questions on spending patterns, the 2023 Benchmark explores:

  • Constraints on growth in a tougher economic climate
  • The contribution marketing is making to ESG and to management team priorities
  • The preferred management style of marketing leaders
  • Key activities being planned to achieve priorities.

Senior members of ICON APAC – a membership body of some 3,000 professional services marketers in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries across Asia-Pacific – will also be completing the Benchmark this year as part of a wider partnership with the Forum. This will facilitate even richer international perspectives and comparisons.

At this seminar, Alastair Beddow, the Managing Director of Meridian West which conducts the research on behalf of the Forum, will provide a presentation of the findings of the 2023 Benchmark. This will be followed by a panel discussion with a selection of marketing leaders from Irish firms.