Its time professional services marketers learned to embrace time and repetition, says Anne Blackman.

“Familiarity, far from creating contempt, drives contentment.” Is this true? For those involved in marketing for professional services firms, the answer is a resounding yes.

In the realm of professional services marketing, understanding time and repetition is fundamental to success. Unlike consumer goods, where targeted new product campaigns can yield instant results, professional services firms must rely on the slow burn of reputation building, thought leadership and consistent client engagement.

It’s important to fully consider the value of time and repetition in our marketing efforts and to understand how to measure our impact effectively.

Time as the ultimate marketing variable
In the demanding world of professional services marketing, there’s often pressure to constantly innovate and refresh campaigns, driven by the excitement of launching something new. Yet, consumer marketers have long recognised a key insight: successful campaigns ‘wear in, they do not wear out’.

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