If Culture is King, Values are the Crown
All firms have values, driven by an inherent DNA.
Some firms know their DNA but don’t formalise it; others don’t realise that it forms part of their team’s culture and delivery; a few have embedded it in their culture and work hard to ensure that messages are clear. Why? Measuring the benefits delivered by positive values helps firms become more efficient and happier as well as deliver superior client service.
The Halo model was developed for IBM over 20 years ago; it uses cutting edge research led techniques to identify and measure the benefits and outcomes that a firm delivers. It changes the way organisations work from being process driven to values driven, making them more efficient, congruent with their purpose and a great deal more fun places to work.
After an introduction to the Halo model from its author, we will hear a case study from Withers & Rogers on how the Halo approach has helped embed strategic change.
Hope you can join your peers for this insightful meeting.
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