How to build your personal brand
From anonymity to recognition
Join your peers on either the morning or the afternoon session of this half-day Personal Branding workshop, and learn how to apply proven branding frameworks to craft your own personal brand and vision.
In this workshop, you will discover how to define and showcase your unique value proposition, gain insights on how to effectively create and promote your personal brand, and really stand out against your peers.
Whether at the start of your career, seeking to establish your status as an industry leader, or building the profile of key players in your firm, this interactive training will provide you with practical guidance on how to define your own personal brand.
The workshop involves a mix of exercises, theory, quizzes and discussion. It is structured in three parts:
Part 1: Brand fundamentals
Build a comprehensive understanding of the principles of personal branding and the ingredients that go into making a successful personal brand.
Part 2: From nobody to somebody
Apply a set of branding frameworks to define your own personal brand strategy and vision.
Part 3: Making it happen
Set your personal goals and develop a plan for building your personal profile.
Hoping that you can join your peers for either the morning or the afternoon session. Places are limited to facilitate interaction.
James PackerCreative Director, Industry
James is a founding director of brand and business consultancy Industry. He has over 25 years’ experience working in advertising, reporting and branding and has worked with leadership teams in the Middle East, Europe, North America and Asia Pacific on delivering corporate branding programmes for financial, business and professional services clients – from lawtech start-ups to global accounting networks.