Coaching Teams – A Practical Toolkit
Team coaching is increasing in popularity, largely driven by the benefits experienced when leaders and managers adopt a coaching approach to working with, and developing, others. Most people also do not work alone: they work in a team, or often in many teams – whether in person, virtual or hybrid – to deliver their objectives.
Coaching a team is in many respects no different to coaching an individual. However, whilst many of the core principles apply, there are some key differences.
When successful, team coaching can create positive engagement, increase team effectiveness, help to manage conflict and enhance team dynamics and performance.
Topics Covered
This interactive, online, half-day workshop will build your skills and confidence to:
Understand the key characteristics and behaviours of an effective team
Group reflections and discussion, including around remote and diverse teams
Define a set of common goals or purpose for the team
Demonstration and observations
Develop “ground rules” to enable successful facilitation of team discussions and meetings
Small group exercise to devise and share strategies
Create “psychological safety” so that all team members can engage, challenge and learn from each other
Reflections on Amy Edmondson’s Psychological Safety model
Apply the GROW coaching model to a team coaching scenario
Group exercise to experience John Whitmore’s GROW model (Goal, Reality, Options, Will) in action
There will be a small amount of preparation/reading ahead of the session to encourage reflections – this is optional, however highly encouraged.
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Jamie ButlerJamie Butler Coaching Limited
Following a successful, 21-year career in the legal sector, Jamie now works as an executive coach and facilitator.
Drawing on his background as a solicitor, trainer and learning and development leader (including roles at CMS, Clifford Chance, BPP Law School and Cleary Gottlieb), Jamie is passionate about helping professionals achieve their full potential and develop the self-awareness, confidence and motivation to effect change, both for themselves and their organisations.
His clients are typically mid-level and senior professionals who benefit from Jamie’s support when navigating a career transition – whether a step into a leadership position, a change in role focus or responsibilities or working through the ‘path to partnership’ or promotion. He coaches both individuals and teams/groups.
Jamie has a particular interest in supporting organisations to grow their coaching and mentoring skills and cultures, including working with clients to develop a ‘Manager as Coach’ approach.
Jamie is an Accredited Executive Coach and Member of the Association for Coaching.