Brand, reputation and thought leadership – developing thought leadership for cultural and commercial success
We all know that building, supporting and protecting reputation is business critical: it can make or break your company and its commercial and cultural success. It needs to be an integral part of the business strategy and not consigned to just reactive PR activity – but getting internal stakeholders to understand and appreciate its importance in this regard is often a major challenge.
In times of uncertainty, economic strife, fast-paced change and misinformation, it becomes an even more taxing task, but thought leadership and the (often unsung) superheroes that deliver it, can be a winning solution to all things reputational and play a vital role in creating, curating, improving and protecting how your firm is perceived by all stakeholders – internal and external.
This webinar considers how to build influence and trust with internal and external audiences through thought leadership and shares exclusive insights from the iResearch Services flagship study on thought leadership and its superpowers.
We will ask and answer questions such as:
1. How do you ensure thought leadership content aligns with and enhances your desired reputation?
2. What responsibilities come with thought leadership influence and how can it be wielded ethically?
3. What are the outdated and complacent approaches to reputation that should be wiped out from corporate culture?
4. How do you balance thought leadership designed for broad appeal versus niche audiences when building reputation?
5. How do you involve or get feedback from your audiences to shape your thought leadership approach?
6. What does an organization’s treatment of lesser-known voices say about its reputation?
7. What role can social media have in strengthening reputation?
8. How can thought leadership be used against misinformation?
9. What are underutilised channels and approaches for understanding target audience needs and perceptions to inform and disseminate thought leadership?
10. How does thought leadership contribute to commercial and cultural success and how can you measure it?
Rachael KinsellaEditorial and Content Director, iResearch Services
Rachael shapes creative concepts and content from complex data and themes. She has specialised in professional and financial services editorial, business development, marketing and communications since 2003, leading on thought leadership programmes for global brands including KPMG and the ICAEW. She is a Fellow of the CIM and a Chartered Marketer, bringing together Communications, Marketing and Editorial experience and disciplines to build highly successful thought leadership and content functions.