Harness the power within your firm

Over 100 marketing and business development professionals gathered in central London for the 28th annual PM Forum conference. Kim Tasso captures the day. With 100-plus people enjoying coffee in bright orange TUC mugs, the buzz heightened to good vibrations, connecting...

You haven’t heard it all before

New thinking for old problems and bursting the bubble of conventional wisdom, Kim Tasso reports on this year’s PM Forum conference. Lucy Canning, of Grant Thornton UK, kicked off proceedings by challenging the “echo chamber of assumptions” in professional services...

Rebooting marketing for growth

Kim Tasso reports on this year’s PM Forum conference. It seemed like just yesterday when we were poised in front of our screens at home attending the first online PM Forum conference in 2020 – and here we were again. The new 3D floorplan provided a relaxing background...