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Take back control of your time

24 hours a day today is less than 24 hours a day 25 years ago!
Life’s busy, noisy, distracting, and chaotic at times, and it’s no wonder many people are left feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and frustrated at a lack of progress despite their hard work and long hours.
With a 24/7 bombardment of messages from calls, email, text, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, Slack, Teams, Chat, and other platforms, all with an expectation of an immediate reply, together with continuous interruptions from team members, partners, clients, colleagues and family – not to mention our devices fighting for our attention with their dings, pings and pop-ups.
During the meeting on 1 October, we will hear from Andy Edwards on why people are exhausted, and more importantly, how anyone can approach their work and life differently, to ensure that they have the time and focus to complete the important stuff that really makes a difference.
I hope you can join your peers.
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Oct 01 2024


12:00 - 13:30

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Date: Oct 01 2024
  • Time: 06:00 - 07:30


BDO, Two Snowhill
Birmingham, B4 6GA


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