Totum consultant Jennifer Owen talks to Matt Stevens at Dentons and Steve Carlton at Slaughter and May about how they are using data to unlock intelligence.

Today’s explosion in data, together with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, presents professional services firms with a complex but enticing challenge. Embrace the opportunity to bring together a mass of internal and external data, leverage it effectively and the benefits may be manifold. Enhanced client relationships, new lines of business and service capabilities, internal process improvements and cost efficiencies, better resource management, improved business decision-making… the list goes on.

But data can also be misleading, misdirected, or plain wrong. As the old saying goes: ‘garbage in, garbage out’. And without the human interaction that translates good data into relevant insights, presented in a timely and meaningful way to the right audience, the output will be ignored. Figures without narrative context are soon forgotten – we are, after all, still storytellers.

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