Engagement & Advice

Many marketers have been PM Forum members for over 20 years.                  Over 40% of current member firms have been members for at least a decade, and 70% for at least five years.

Maximizing Your Membership Benefits

Member engagement

“Even longstanding members benefit from a fresh look at how best to use their membership to support and inspire their work and that of their colleagues.” comments Claire Mitchell, Head of Memberships. As well as phone and Zoom calls, Claire often joins in-person meetings at member firms to talk about the Forum.

person using laptop
man wearing white and black plaid button-up sports shirt pointing the silver MacBook

Advice service

PMF Advice helps avoid hours of research or dead ends. Send an email with your request to Morag Campbell, Head of Member Services (see back cover for the address), and she will share it with experts in different aspects of marketing and business development. Comments Morag: “Helping solve member queries brings considerable job satisfaction. It has also been great to see so many members promoted into more senior roles or starting up their own consultancy businesses during my 16 years with the Forum.”

Mentoring programme

The Forum’s Mentor Match programme matches mentors and mentees, and provides a secure place to track the mentorship. Comments mentee Jen Smith (a marketing manager at PwC): “I always struggled to find an external mentor, someone I could have an open and honest conversation about what’s next for me in my career, or how to tackle different situations. Once I heard about Mentor Match, I jumped at the opportunity – and you should too!” Mentor Match is fully integrated with the new Skills Development Platform, allowing enhanced engagement outside formal sessions.

two woman siting on sofa inside room

Our sector has unique challenges, and the PM Forum helps its members to meet those challenges face on – Professional by name, Professional in nature.

Kerry Manton, Scotland chair

Sample Findings

Mentorships through Mentor Match

of firms renewed their membership in 2022

years’ experience available through PMF Advice